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The Difference Between Orgasm And Ejaculation



A surprising number of men are unaware that Orgasm and Ejaculation are TWO DIFFERENT EVENTS, instead the think the two go together like honey and hot buns.

I would like categorically state so you can be 100% sure Orgasm and ejaculation are not the same thing.

The difference between orgasm and ejaculation
The Difference Between Orgasm & Ejaculation

Orgasm is a Mental Response:

Orgasm is delivered by testosterone.

Testosterone is a hormone.

Orgasm is a feeling of extreme euphoria, which is a mental state of mind.

Like all your feelings, orgasm cannot be seen, touched or smelled.

Orgasm does not cause pregnancy.

Testosterone levels are checked for performance.

Testosterone is transported to the Ancient Brain to produce orgasm (Read Anatomy)

Time Frame Of Orgasm:

Average time for orgasm is usually between 15 – 25 seconds, but can be prolonged by specific techniques.

Ejaculation is a physical response
Ejaculation: A physical response

Ejaculation is a physical reaction:

Semen carries sperm from the penis during ejaculation.

Semen is a fluid.

Contractions of the pelvic floor muscles causes ejaculation.

Semen is visible, can be touched and has an odour.

Sperm cells released during ejaculation cause pregnancy.

Sperm level are checked for fertility.

Time Frame OF Ejaculation

The average ejaculation consists of 3 intense contractions, then 10 -12 contraction of roughly 0.06 seconds and final the 5/6 contractions of about a second apart. Sometimes men can have 4/5 very intense contractions; I refer to them as aftershocks at 2/3 seconds apart.

Why is it Important to Understand The Difference?

So why should this be of any interest to you?

Well – firstly; if you grasp the fact that they are different events you will know that you do not need one to have the other. Right there, is solid a case for men being able to have multiple orgasms.

Secondly; should you find yourself in the sad state of having to lose your prostate it may not be the end of your sex life – as you can experience orgasms and with a bit practice may even be capable of Male Multiple Orgasm; an extremely satisfying experience and not wholly the horror story you were expecting.

Differences between Male and Female Sexual Cycles

Female Orgasm
Female Orgasm

Female Orgasm

* Women experience most intense orgasms via clitoral stimulation.

*Women have nothing anatomically to cause ejaculation.

* Women can easily experience multiple orgasm.

* At no time does a woman reach a ‘recovery’ period between orgasms – sensitivity is the only brake.

* Women can experience orgasm from clenching of the pelvic floor muscles.

Male Orgasm and Ejaculation

+ Men experience orgasm followed split seconds later by ejaculation.

+ Men release a certain amount of mature sperm for each ejaculation. Once men ejaculate they have to go through a recovery period during which the next batch of sperm is prepared for ejaculation.

The same applies to the testosterone used up to provide the orgasm.

+ Men do not have to ejaculate in order to experience an orgasm.

+ Men can have multiple orgasms by controlling ejaculation.

The prostate and ejaculation
The Prostate and Ejaculation


Men are mostly unaware that should they have their prostates removed they will no longer be able to ejaculate.

The prostate adds enzymes that activate the sperm, alkaline seminal fluid that nourish, carry and protect the sperm and prostate specific antigens (PSA) a glue-like substance that help the sperm attach to the female cervix, once the glue dissolves the sperm are free to continue to the uterus.

PSA Level in the Prostate

High PSA levels could be an indication that cancer is present in the prostate.

Once the prostate is removed ejaculations are no longer possible – however now that you now that orgasms and rather intense multiple orgasms may be possible – it should of some consolation that you can still look forward to some sex life after prostatectomy.

Enlarged Prostate

Keep in mind that the prostate is a gland that never stops growing. The most common reasons for having your prostate removed are cancer, enlarged prostate or tumours.

One can never say anything about the prostate without reminding men that your tiny little prostate can kill you no matter how big you think you are.

The moment you think there may be a problem as your pee is gushing, dribbling, coming and going or you wake up too many times at night to go pee – then it may be the prostate over-enlarging and putting pressure on the bladder – run – do not walk – to your doctor!

Kindly call me or book online if you like to make an appointment

Or start exercise and training on your own.

© Ariana Robson 2018

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